Sell your products in bulk to Business Owners such as Franchisees, Suppliers, and Distributors

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Join a marketplace as a vendor where thousands of business owners shop for the supplies needed in their business operations and serving their customers.

The Market to shop for Business supplies at special discounted Prices.


Low Fees

BizGroupLink’s transaction fees are low.


Powerful Tools

Our tools and services make it easy to manage & promote your products, and grow your business.



Bizgrouplink’s Staff will provide you constant support in displaying your products, tracking sales, and getting payments.


4 Easy steps for selling on BizGroupLink

Register and display your products

  • Register your business for free and create your product display catalog. Get free training on how to sell your products and get payments.
  • BizGroupLink’s staff will help you in displaying your products and managing prices.

Receive orders and sell your product

  • You can track orders for your products and manage the sales of your products.
  • BizGroupLink’s staff will help you in tracking orders and managing your products.

Track shipping with ease

  • Manage information about shipping your products according to the orders from your customers.
  • BizGroupLink’s staff will help you in tacking the shipping and confirmation of receiving goods from the customers.

Track your returns and payments

  • You can track your returns and payments online with ease.
  • BizGroupLink’s staff will help in managing and tracking your returns and payments for the sold goods.


Affordable, Transparent, and Secure

The Introductory fees include:

1. Free display of the first 8 products for 6 months. You can change your products on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can also change the selling prices of your products as often as you want to change. After 6 months, you will be charged a flat fee for each block of 20 products.

2. For each additional 20 products, you will pay a flat fee per month for displaying your products on Bizgrouplink.

3. Besides the above product displaying fees, you will pay a 5% commission on the sales of your products to Bizgrouplink and credit card or PayPal processing fees, which could be about 2.5% – 3% of the total selling amount.

Here's what you get for your fees:
  • A large community of business owners who buy products in bulk quantities on a repetitive basis.
  • Ship directly to the buyers in the United States. Price your products with shipping charges.
  • Customer support to help you sell your products on the Bizgrouplink platform and collecting your payments for the sold products.

Bizgrouplink collects payments from customers by a major credit card or PayPal. Bizgrouplink will deposit your payments either directly by PayPal in your business accounts or send you a paper check after 30 days from the receipt of confirmation of product delivery by the customers without any returns. If your products are returned by the customer within the days of the accepted return date your payments will be adjusted accordingly. If your organization chooses to receive payments by PayPal there are fees associated with payments and these will be deducted from your payments.


Some common FAQ for selling on BizGroupLink

How do fees work on BizGroupLink?

Registering to sell your products on BizGroupLink is free. There are three basic fees associated with selling your products on the platform: : (i) product displaying fees, (ii) commission fees of the total sales, and (iii) payment processing fees charged by credit cards or PayPal. The details of fees are given in the fee schedule section of the website for vendors.

What do I need to do to display my products on the Bizgrouplink’s Market platform?

It’s easy to display your products on BizGroupLink. Create a BizGroupLink account (if you don’t already have one). Select the plan for displaying your products. Display your products using tools on Bozgroulink. Support is available for this. set up a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set up a billing method (how you want to pay fees to BizGroupLink).

Can I sell my products to International customers?

At present Market platform is only for vendors and business owners located in the United States who have bank accounts in the USA and make and accept payments in US Dollars only.

How do I get paid?

If you accept payments with PayPal, funds from PayPal sales on BizGroupLink will be deposited into your PayPal account after 30 days from the confirmation of delivery from the customer. Otherwise, payments will be sent to vendors by paper check after 30 days. The amounts of all returns of your products will be deducted from your payments.

Do I need a credit or debit card to sell my products on BizGrouplink?

You may use a major credit card or PayPal account to pay fees of Bizgrouplink.

What can I sell on BizGroupLink?

You can sell products that other business owners such as franchisees, suppliers, distributors, and individuals affiliated with an organization may purchase for their normal business operations. The business owners may purchase your products in bulk on a repetitive basis depending upon the discounts that you may offer to business owners.

Sell your products in bulk to Business Owners such as Franchisees, Suppliers, and Distributors

Start Selling